Dry pet food packaging has to resist grease and be strong enough to endure logistics and contents that weigh up to 20 kg. And let’s not forget shelf appeal: print quality really matters.

Traditionally, grease resistance has been achieved with raw materials containing PFAS chemicals. But there’s also a food safe, paper-based option which is recyclable in existing fibre recycling streams.

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A recyclable package with more than nine lives

A recyclable package with more than nine lives

A package that is good for our children too

A package that is good for our children too

A package that handles grease with ease

A package that handles grease with ease


A pack of benefits for your dream package

Let us help you reach your objectives with our long experience, extensive industry network and in-depth knowledge of barrier papers. Together we can find the right solution for you:

• Grease resistance

• Reducing the amount of plastic

• Food safety without PFAS chemicals

• Strength

• Print quality and shelf appeal

• Improved recyclability

• Renewable fibre materials


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Achieve your future pet food packaging ambitions


UPM X Fiorini: co-creating a highly moisture and grease resistant, fibre-based pet food sack