(UPM, Dörpen, February 7, 2007) – At the Paperworld exhibition in Frankfurt, UPM has rewarded the Finnish office supplier Oy Lindell AB with its Office Paper Brand Award 2007.
The UPM Office Paper Brand Award honours Lindell for its outstanding success in launching the UPM Office paper brand in the Finnish market. “Lindell has introduced the UPM Office brand at the beginning of 2006 and only within one year, they managed to establish the brand very successfully in the market,” says Martina Schürmann, Marketing Manager for Graphic & Office Papers at UPM. “This is due to their tremendous efforts in sales and marketing as well as innovative joint approaches, which finally led to a real breakthrough in UPM’s longstanding business relations with Lindell in 2006. We thank Lindell for their effort in establishing the UPM Office paper brand in Finland.”
The international Office Paper Brand Award from UPM is handed over every year in an official ceremony during the Paperworld exhibition for office supplies and paper in Frankfurt. It rewards outstanding performances among customers from the office, envelope, preprint and digital printing paper segments.
For further information please contact:
Doris Lübbers, Marketing Communications Manager, Phone: +49 4963 401-1845, Mobile: +49 175 725 0661, doris.lubbers@upm-kymmene.com