Keep your release liners in the loop

Currently some 50% of release liners are recycled in Europe, although our experts estimate that just 15% are recycled in a closed-loop (Source: AWA). As the only industrial-scale, closed-loop service with a dedicated network of collection partners and recycling facility, UPM LinerLoopTM changes that. Our proprietary recycling solution brings you one step closer to your recycling and zero waste targets – and to being ready for the ambitious targets set by the upcoming European Packaging Waste Regulation.

(Please note that UPM LinerLoop is currently available only in Europe.)


Supporting label circularity

Because release liners are made with the highest quality pulp, they can be recycled back into high performance release liners. The fibre can also be recycled several times over before it needs to be recycled into less demanding applications, such as cardboard.

We are committed to supporting the industry on its journey to a circular economy.

CELAB Circular Economy for Labels<br>

CELAB Circular Economy for Labels

AFERA (European adhesive tape industry network)

AFERA (European adhesive tape industry network)

How does UPM LinerLoopTM work?

Your used release liners are collected by our collection partners and brought to our dedicated recycling facility. Here the silicone is removed, and the liners are turned into pulp ready to produce new release base papers. We source the original raw material for all our release base papers from sustainably managed forests.


LinerLoopTM compatible products


The LinerLoopTM compatible label indicates that this paper is designed to be recycled in a circular economy. Release liners carrying this label meet criteria to be recycled in UPM’s circular recycling solution UPM LinerLoop when it leaves the paper mill. Available in Europe.


View LinerLoop Compatible products


What products can be recycled with UPM LinerLoop?

A circular approach to recycling silicone-coated papers is a highly technical process. Papers carrying the LinerLoop compatible label meet the following criteria:


How do you get started?

When it comes to a sustainable future, every little step counts. To date, the most significant challenge to expanding closed-loop recycling has been the efficient and large-scale collection of used release liners. The first step to recycling your release liners with UPM LinerLoop is to arrange collection to our recycling facility with help from our network of collection partners. Simply get in touch with us to get started.

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